
St Faustina – Free Daily Email Reflections from her Diary.

October 5, 2014

imageThis year I signed up for a great free email service the Divine Mercy Daily reflections from St. Faustina’s Diary. Many Catholic’s own the wonderful diary by St. Faustina. But upon speaking with people about the book I soon discovered that most people have not actually read the book from start to finish. I know a handful of people whom have actually read the whole book. I personally have tried a few times but have not yet accomplished this goal. So when a friend told me about theses daily emails I signed up for them. I am eager to finally read the entire diary in a year!

Each day I receive a nice short excerpt, as well as a prayer response. It is really a lovely addition to my daily routine.

If you have ever wanted to read St Faustina’s diary – I highly recommend that you sign up for this lovely free service from Flocknote!

Here is a sample of what you receive:


Entrust everything to Me and do nothing on your own, and you will always have great freedom of spirit. No circumstances or events will ever be able to upset you. Set little store on what people say. Let everyone judge you as they like. Do not make excuses for yourself, it will do you no harm (Diary, 1685) .

My Prayer Response:

Lord Jesus, help me to entrust every thing to You and do nothing on my own, so I will always have great freedom of spirit.

*Diary passages with bolded words are Jesus speaking


Please visit Flocknotes to sign up for these inspiring daily emails at Blesssings <


  1. Elizabeth MCcarthy
    Elizabeth MCcarthy

    I would be happy to receive messages from Sister Faustinas diary as an aid to prayer. Thank You

  2. Karen Berhow
    Karen Berhow

    Please send me the daily meditation. I recently changed my email address and no longer get the wonderful inspirational meditations.

  3. Carol A. Munoz
    Carol A. Munoz

    Please send me the emails, I’d love them.

  4. Ann Fish
    Ann Fish

    When do the emails start?

  5. Celina Gutierrez
    Celina Gutierrez

    How can I have the day 1 to 44
    I have a compiplation of day 45 to present .
    I miss the day 1 to 44.please reply

    • Jude Peter Bayer
      Jude Peter Bayer

      I am most grateful, as I also pray the Chaplet

  6. Charles Urban
    Charles Urban

    Send those wonderful emails. I follow the message.

  7. John Lipton
    John Lipton

    PLease send me your Daily Divine Mercy Emails.


  8. Sister Rita Kruthaupt
    Sister Rita Kruthaupt

    I’d like to receive the free Daily Reflections from Sister Faustina’s Diary.

    Thank you and God bless you

    Sister Rita

  9. Annie Benson
    Annie Benson

    Thank you so much please pray for my family xxx

  10. Neonita Clarito
    Neonita Clarito

    Please send me daily reading Saint Faustina thank you

    • littleway

      please see previous comments for link on how to subscribe to the readings. Thanks.

  11. Katherine Billetz
    Katherine Billetz

    Please send the Daily Reflection from the Dairy of St. Faustinia

  12. ConnieClinton

    please sign me up for the daily reflections Connie Clinton

  13. Ed Thomas
    Ed Thomas


  14. Deacon Patrick C McCusker
    Deacon Patrick C McCusker

    Please send me these meditations!

  15. Annamarie Squatrito
    Annamarie Squatrito

    Would like free daily prayers from sister faustinas dairy thx

  16. Ron Troxler
    Ron Troxler


  17. Jude Peter Bayer
    Jude Peter Bayer

    I am most grateful

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